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Die Studienrichtung „Archäologie“ im Studienfach „Antike Sprachen und Kulturen“ des Zwei-Fach-Bachelorstudiums wird zum 31.03.2024 eingestellt. Eine Einschreibung im ersten oder höheren Fachsemester ist seit dem Wintersemester 2020/21 nicht mehr möglich.

Für Studierende des oben genannten Fachs ist der 31.03.2024 des Wintersemesters 2023/24 zugleich der letztmögliche Prüfungstermin. Die genannte Frist gilt für BEIDE gewählten Fachrichtungen des Zwei-Fach-Bachelorstudiums. Sofern absehbar ist, dass Sie ihr Studium bis zur gesetzten Frist nicht erfolgreich abschließen können, müssen Sie sich spätestens im Sommer 2023 für einen Studienplatz in einem anderen Studienfach zum Wintersemester 2023/24 erfolgreich bewerben.

Bitte wenden Sie sich bei allgemeinen organisatorischen und inhaltlichen Fragen des auslaufenden Studienfachs bzw. bei Interesse an einem möglichen Fachwechsel zum 1- oder 2-Fach-Bachelor Archäologie an die Fachberatung: Frau Agricola (Archäologie der Römischen Provinzen) und Frau Dr. Kleineberg (Klassische Archäologie).

Bachelor 'Ancient Languages and Cultures'

In Cologne, the major ‚Ancient Languages and Cultures, Specialization Archaeology’ can be studied as one of two disciplines in a double major. The major ‘Ancient Languages and Cultures’ was established in 2009 and was revised and reaccredited in 2015. The major ALaC (ASuK) – Archaeology can be combined with another specialization of ALaC (ASuK) or an external BA-major of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The specialization Archaeology is offered with a focus on Classical Archaeology and Archaeology of the Roman Provinces.


The major requires proof of 180 CP. Specialized studies with a worth of 78 CP are to be taken within archaeology. These 78 CP consist of basic modules, consecutive modules (60 CP) and supplemental modules (18 CP). In addition, the Studium Integrale (12 CP) and the Bachelor thesis (12 CP) have to be completed. The remaining 78 CP are to be taken in the other discipline.

A collective fundamental study is mandatory within the ALaC course of study which is made up of one basic module (BM) with 3 introductory courses of the different archaeologies and their methods as well as the accompanying tutorials (12 CP). In the basic module 2, deepening of the archaeological fundamental knowledge is taught. If the required knowledge of the Latin language is not yet present, there is the possibility to do this within the basic module 2L. In this case, the taking of basic module 2L (BM 2L) is done instead of the regular basic module 2 (BM 2). The decision on the specialization (Classical Archaeology or Archaeology of the Roman Provinces) has to be made when registering for the consecutive modules (36 CP). In the supplemental modules, one of the modules of EM-ASuK (6 CP) from the complimentary sector as well as two EM-V (6 CP) or one EM-V (12 CP) must be elected. The overall grade is calculated from the consecutive modules 1 and 2 (AM 1 and 2) and the Bachelor thesis (12 CP) that is usually done in the sixth semester

Language Requirements

For the ALaC (ASuK)-Archaeology specialization English requirements of the B2 level of the Common European Framework (CEF) are necessary. When registering for the Bachelor thesis, knowledge of Latin (Latinum, 3 courses) are to be presented. Latin can be integrated into the course of study.

Further Information on the Course of Study 

Further Information

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