Getting to know monuments and the topography of ancient sites is one of the main objectives of the study of Archaeology. For this reason, the institute organizes excursions to places outside of Germany that used to be part of the Roman Empire. Aside from this, short excursions to excavations, museums, and recent exhibitions are often offered. These excursions are co-funded by the university. They are considered a very intensive form of education and are closely linked with the lecturer. Multiple participations are recommended.
Hadrian's Wall in September 2023 (Kopie 1)
From 18.09. to 29.09. the Institute of Archaeology (Archaeology of the Roman Provinces) conducted a field trip to Hadrian's Wall in the North of England. The route took us from the end of the Wall in the east (Newcastle-South Shields) via Hexham along the Wall to its eastern end at Bowness-on-Solway and beyond to the Lake District with the Roman fort at Ambleside. In the course of the trip we were able to study the construction of Hadrian's Wall and the accompanying military installations (watchtowers, milestones and forts) in detail and partly also hike along them. Among the special highlights were the visit to Chesters Roman Fort with its Roman bridge over the River Tyne, the Roman fort of Housesteads and especially the fort and vicus of Vindolanda with its worldwide unique collection of organic finds from the Roman period. We were especially pleased with the friendly welcome we received from the researchers on site. We had a reception and lecture at Newcastle University (Ian Haynes, Chair of Archaeology), a guided tour of Housesteads (Rob Collins, Senior Lecturer, Material Culture of the Northern Frontier) and, most importantly, a full-day guided tour along the western border of Hadrian's Wall (especially Maryport) by David Breeze, an important researcher of Hadrian's Wall and the co-founder of the initiatives for the designation of the Roman Limes as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
All these events made our excursion an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.
Organizers: Michelle Rossa, Eckhard Deschler-Erb
Participants: Nina Avci, Marius Berger, Matthis Bischoff, Sonja Blank, Patrick Brato, Nina Carus, Johannes Dehl, Hanna Echternach, Ronja Eckardt, Alexander Friedrich, Christopher Gentsch, Lotte Hahn, Thorben Isenbarth, Yasmin Kimmel, Sarah Kinsey, Katharina Kürten, Sophie Merten, Annik Nougrigat-Griffin, Lea Oehlers, Sophie von Pronay, Lotta Vornweg, Simon Voss, Heidi Vuchetich, David Weiszmann, Aleksandra Wiese
Hadrian's Wall in September 2023
From 18.09. to 29.09. the Institute of Archaeology (Archaeology of the Roman Provinces) conducted a field trip to Hadrian's Wall in the North of England. The route took us from the end of the Wall in the east (Newcastle-South Shields) via Hexham along the Wall to its eastern end at Bowness-on-Solway and beyond to the Lake District with the Roman fort at Ambleside. In the course of the trip we were able to study the construction of Hadrian's Wall and the accompanying military installations (watchtowers, milestones and forts) in detail and partly also hike along them. Among the special highlights were the visit to Chesters Roman Fort with its Roman bridge over the River Tyne, the Roman fort of Housesteads and especially the fort and vicus of Vindolanda with its worldwide unique collection of organic finds from the Roman period. We were especially pleased with the friendly welcome we received from the researchers on site. We had a reception and lecture at Newcastle University (Ian Haynes, Chair of Archaeology), a guided tour of Housesteads (Rob Collins, Senior Lecturer, Material Culture of the Northern Frontier) and, most importantly, a full-day guided tour along the western border of Hadrian's Wall (especially Maryport) by David Breeze, an important researcher of Hadrian's Wall and the co-founder of the initiatives for the designation of the Roman Limes as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
All these events made our excursion an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.
Organizers: Michelle Rossa, Eckhard Deschler-Erb
Participants: Nina Avci, Marius Berger, Matthis Bischoff, Sonja Blank, Patrick Brato, Nina Carus, Johannes Dehl, Hanna Echternach, Ronja Eckardt, Alexander Friedrich, Christopher Gentsch, Lotte Hahn, Thorben Isenbarth, Yasmin Kimmel, Sarah Kinsey, Katharina Kürten, Sophie Merten, Annik Nougrigat-Griffin, Lea Oehlers, Sophie von Pronay, Lotta Vornweg, Simon Voss, Heidi Vuchetich, David Weiszmann, Aleksandra Wiese
Southern France 2022
From 19.09. to 30.09. the Institute (Archaeology of the Roman Provinces) conducted an excursion to Southern France and the Auvergne. The route took us from Cologne via Lyon along the Rhone southwards via Vienne, Orange, Nîmes, Arles, Lattes and Cap d'Agde to the beaches of the Mediterranean. From there the journey went north again via La Graufesenque and Clermont-Ferrand (including Gergovia) to end back in Cologne. In the course of the journey, we were able to visit a mountain sanctuary (Puy de Dôme), an oppidum (Gergovia), a Greek-Etruscan settlement (Lattara), evidence of water supply (Pont du Gard), Roman towns (Lugdunum, Vienna, Arausio, Nemausus, Arelate, Augustonemetum), two pottery centres (La Graufesenque, Lezoux) and numerous museums. In particular, the very well-preserved architectural monuments (podium temples in Vienne and Nîmes, theatre and arch in Orange, amphitheatre in Nîmes and Arles) as well as the museums, most of which were exceptionally interesting, made our excursion an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.
Organisation: Clarissa Agricola, Eckhard Deschler-Erb
Participants: Denia Biermann, Yannik Blum, Aurélie Crausaz, Melina Dohm, Ronja Eckardt, Dajana Ehlers, Jennifer Frenzel, Eleni Karageli, Deniz Karakaya, Sarah Kinsey, Felix Knauff, Mara Ludwig, Tabea Mertens, Katharina Przybilla, Susanne Rathke, Linda Reckmann, Karlheinz Schultze, Wolf Robert Spitzbarth, Ann-Louise Völker, Hannah Windelschmidt, Niklas Ziemer
Companions: Sabine Deschler-Erb, Stefanie Hoss, Paul Frantzen
Florence 2022
From 08.03. to 17.03.2022 the Department of Classical Archaeology carried out an excursion to Florence in Italy. With visits to important museums such as the National Archaeological Museum, the Palazzo Pitti, the Palazzo Medici Riccardi or the Villa Corsini, the focus fell on Greek and Roman sculptures. Day trips to Fiesole, Pisa, Luni and Bologna, as well as a visit to the ancient and modern Carrara quarries, took us into the area around Florence.
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thoralf Schröder, Dr. Anne Kleineberg
Participants: Aysegül Altin, Julia Gülpen, Thorben Isenbart, Maryam Jäger, Katharina Kürten, Svenz Martzinek, Sade Peiffer, Lisa Schadow, Selina Schlageter, Elise Tacconi-Garman, Lotta Vornweg, Ronja Wolf, Bettina Zellner Grieco
Accompanying participation: Dr. Caterina Parigi
Ancient Macedonia 2022
From 29.03. to 10.04.2022 the Department of Classical Archaeology conducted an excursion to the region of ancient Macedonia in northern Greece. The tour led to central archaeological sites and important museums in Veroia, Vergina, Lefkadia, Pella, Aiani, Dion, Olynth, Akanthos, Stageira, Amphipolis, Philippi, Kavala and to Thessaloniki. A day trip to the island of Thasos complemented the programme.
Organisation: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thoralf Schröder, Dr. Anne Kleineberg
Participants: Alexandra Athanasiadou, Christine Avenarius, Alexander Braun, Alexander Gedden, Julia Gülpen, Emma Haase, Hanna Holtey, Thorben Isenbart, Eleni Karageli, Berfin Karakaya, Franca Nagl, Lea Oehlers, Max Schnalke, Lukas Schuhmacher, Josephine Wiegartz
Accompanying participation: Pantelis Efthimiades
Southern Germany and the Limes of the Imperium Romanum 2021
From 2nd of August to 14th of August, the Institute (Archaeology of the Roman Provinces) conducted an excursion to southern Germany and specifically along the Roman imperial border from the Danube to the beginning of the Upper Germanic Limes. The route took us via Augsburg and its environs to Munich, to the Danube (Regensburg region) and along the Limes back west to Stuttgart. Finally, we visited Rheinzabern and Speyer via Karlsruhe for to end our excursion in Mannheim. In the course of the trip we were able to visit a hilltop settlement (Auerberg), an oppidum (Manching), Roman towns (Augsburg, Kempten, Speyer), a pottery village (Rheinzabern), Roman military installations (Regensburg, Künzing, Straubing, Weltenburg, Ruffenhofen, Rainau/Buch, Dalkingen, Aalen, Schirenhof/Rotbachtal) and numerous museums. Colleagues provided us with diverse insights into their collections and their fields of work; this aspect of the trip in particular made our excursion an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.
Organisation: Clarissa Agricola, Eckhard Deschler-Erb
Participants: Louise Behler, Lea Blumenröder, Ole Denda, Loxy Diercks, Michaela Grundmeier, Dennis Hermanski, Nina Huber, Tristan Karl, Verena Kluge, Maximilian Kokus, Judith Monschau, Paul Naumann, Lea Oehlers, Elena Oppe, Gian-Luca Paul, Sade Peiffer, Niels Plompteux, Marisa Prick, Carola Ruschel, Lukas Schumacher, Yannik van Wezemael
Temporary participant: Sabine Deschler-Erb
Burgundy 2019
From 30.07 to the 08.08.2019 the Institute of Archaeaology (Archaeology of the Roman Provinces) conducted an excursion to Burgundy. The journey took us along the upper Rhine valley through the Burgundy Gate to Burgundy. Afterwards we travelled via Lorraine, Saarland, Hunsrueck and Eifel back to Cologne. We visited ancient battlefields (Alesia), several oppida (Bibracte, Besançon), roman settlements (Schwarzenacker, Autun), villae (Bad Kreuznach, Reinheim) and hilltop settlements (Mt. Saint Odile, Mt. Lassois). We had the possibility to study the archaeological findings in the different museums; an extraordinary highlight was the Krater of Vix (Châtillon-sur-Seine).
Lecturers: Eckhard Deschler-Erb, Clarissa Agricola
Participants: Nina Avci, Julia Becker, Deniz Benli, Denia Biemann, Samuel Robert Deneffe, Ann-Katrin Farsen, Merlin Faupel, Katharina Gottert, Stella Leona Hammesfahr, Dennis Dominik Hermanski, Maruschka Jansen, Sven Klingen, Sebastian Alexander Knura, Elisabeth Krewer, Hannes Krüger, Jana Kuhlmann, Jan Lindner, Dominique Portz, Przybilla Katharina, Ines Putzker, Sandra Rung, Johanna Steffestun, Daniel Willems
Guests: Sabine Deschler-Erb, Stefan Pircher
Western Alps 2018
From 30.07. to the 08.08. the Institute conducted an excursion in the Western Alps. The journey led from the West Swiss across the Great St. Bernhard Pass to the Aosta valley, via the Small St. Bernhard Pass into the Savoy Alps, to Genf and the Swiss Jura back to Cologne. We were able to visit i. a. Roman cities (such as Avenches and Aosta), Villae (e. g. Vallon and Orbe), the mountain pass sanctuary at the Great St. Bernard and the late Antiquity Castrum on the Münsterberg in Breisach. In several museums we could study the rich archaeological material of the region, which in quality is easily able to match up to the mediterranean finds.
Lecturers: Eckhard Deschler-Erb, Stefanie Hoss
Participants: Nickolas Gehrmann, Tim Grimberg, Elisabeth Krewer, Lilly Lukas, Peter Ney, Rahel Otte, Johanna Steffestun
Guests: Paul Franzen, Sabine Deschler-Erb
Pannonia 2016
From 23.8. to the 2.9. the institute conducted an excursion starting in Budapest and ending in Vienna to visit monuments of Roman Pannonia. The visited destinations were, aside from the legionary bases and civil cities of Aquincum (Budapest), Brigetio (Komarom), Carnuntum and Vindobona (Vienna), several military institutions of the Roman Danube border. In the numerous museums, several remains of the rich ancient cultures of the Danubian provinces (sarkophagi, sculpted tomb stones, wall paintings, gold jewelry of the migration period) could be studied and analyzed in detail.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb, Dr. Tünde Kaszab-Olschewski
Participants: Dina Barth, Janis Hagen Beer, Wilhelm Esser, Stefan Franzkowiak, Tim Grimberg, Sandra Gosteli, Susanne Hillmann, Fabian Gero Kalensky, Christina Karbstein, Marie-Christine Metternich, Peter Meurer, Judith Monschau, Christina Pantelidu, Valeria Pascik, Marie Cathrine Pauli, Tamara Ruske, Peter Theo Schäfer, Norbert Schmal, Wolf Robert Maximilian Spitzbarth, Eric Sponville, Linda Stein, Maurice Thurn, Katinka Walker, Estelle Wallé
Provence 2015
The institute organized a round trip through the Provence and therefore the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis from March 23rd to April 2nd 2015. The route was planned starting in Lyon, to Vienne, Vaison-la-Romaine, Orange, Avignon, Nimes, Arles, Marseille and ending in Aix-en-Provence. On the way, Roman theaters, amphitheaters, aqueducts, such as the Pont-du-Gard, temples, oppida and museums – and many others things – were visited.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Grassinger, Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann and Julia Schulz M.A.
Participants: Janine Avendano, Dina Barth, Lisa Berger, Patrick Brato, Tanja Dujmovic, Christin Ebert, Nadine Engel, Leonie Firsching, Jerome Hofer, Alina Keßler, Lisa Kielpinski, Lenard Kramp, Susanne Kretschmar, Ismael Meyer, Tobias Mintert, Frederic Nitschke, David Recknagel, Eva Rucinski, Annika Schack, Arne Schröder, Cindy Schüller, Annika Skolik, Julia Steding, Jana Wertz und Katharina Zerzeropulos
Dalmatia 2011
The excursion of the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces in 2011 lead to Dalmatia. With a ship, the coastal cities of Zadra, Nin, Sibenik, Trogir, Salona-Solin and Split were visited from the 30.9. to the 9.10. Besides impressive monuments such as the Palace of Diocletain in Split or the Forum of Zadar, several museums have been visited. The new museum of glass in Zadar and the national museum of Split were especially imposing. Trips to the legionary camp of Burunum (hinterland of Sibenik) and to the island of Vis were undertaken by bus and ship as well. For the nice guided tour, we would like to thank Hr. Miletic (Burnum) and Luka Bekic (International Center for Underwater Archaeology, Zadar).
Lecturers: Thomas Fischer, Salvatore Ortisi.
Participants: Berger Lisa Christin, Cantarella Placido, Düpmeier Thomas, Franzkowiak Stefan, Gansera Daniel, Greven Jessica, Hillmann Susanne, Karger Oliver, Kieper Martin, Koopmann Achim, Koppmann Claudia, Kreuzburg Lea, Krieger Elisabeth, Küpper Alwy Chloe, Lindner Christoph, Matesic Suzanna, Neuhaus Steffen, Palombo Florencia, Philippen Nicholas, Rucinski Eva, Schmid Franziska, Schmidt Heiko, Schmidt-Wenghoffer Kristian, Schöne Christian Adolf, Skela Denis, Sperling Heinz, Tews Daniel, Welle Patrick.
Paestum, Pompeii, Gulf of Naples 2011
The institute conducted an excursion to the gulf of Naples from 26.9. to 7.10.2011. Beside the extensive study of Pompeii, Paestum, Herculaneum, Oplontis and Stabiae have been visited. The last days were spent in Naples with a visit to the underground excavations of the city, the museum and trips to Pozzuoli and Baiae. We would like to give a special thanks to V. Kockel (Augsburg), C. Brasse (Cottbus), M. Staub Gierow (Stockholm) and P. Kastenmaier (Pompeii) for the guided tours.
Lecturers: Dagmar Grassinger, Michael Heinzelmann
Participants: Funda Askin, Angelika Brauers, Philipp Hagdorn, Lorena Hagemann, Maria Heitkamp, Ella Hetzel, Gesine Jaeger, Ann-Kristin Jäger, Chris Jülke, Lisa Jureczko, Andreas Kipke, Verena Kluge, Demian Lienhard, Shabnam Moshfegh Nia, Corinna Müller, Ann-Kathrin Rastetter, Irena Schultz, Annemarie Stenzel, Josephin Szczepanksi, Julia Wahlsdorf, Franziska Weber, Diana Wozniok, Cornelia Zeiske.
Greece-Excursion 2010
From 1st to 12.9.2010 the institute conducted a trip through Greece. Starting with the Athens Acropolis and Eleusis, the most important excavations and museum on the Peloponnes (Isthmia, Corinth, Mycene, Argos, Epidauros, Messene, Olympia) and Delphi have been visited. The last days were spent in Athens and Attica (Brauron, Oropos, Thorikos, Rhamnous, Sounion). We would like to give a special thanks to G. Sanders and K. Slane (Corinth), J. Maran (Tiryns), A. Hennemeyer (Olympia), J. Stroszek (Kerameikos).
Lecturers: Nina Fenn, Dagmar Grassinger, Michael Heinzelmann
Participants: Dagmar Albus, Manuela Broisch, Katharina Büngel, Serena Caporossi, Irina Dudar, Hannah Geusen, Dan-Marvin Gluba, Verena Göbel, Philipp Hagdorn, Maria Heitkamp, Chris Jülke, Sarah Kalina, Verena Kluge, Lisa Kröger, Cathalin Recko, Mareike Röhl, Heinz Sperling, Annemarie Stenzel, Ruth Stiefelhagen, Josephin Szczepanski, Hülya Vidin, Alexa Wilder, Yasmin Zschiedrich.
Tunesia-Excursion 2009

From 26.9. to 9.10. an excursion to Tunisia was conducted. In a roundtrip Carthage, Uthina, Kerkouane, Sbeitla, Haidra, Dougga, Chemtou, Thuburbo, Maius and Uthica were visited.
Lecturers: Dietrich Boschung, Thomas Fischer, Nina Fenn, Michael Heinzelmann
Participants: Viktoria Bauer, Melanie Dederichs, Michael Drechsler, Eleonora Gankova, Daniel Gansera,Antonia Glauben, Margot Haas, Mathias Heine, Martina Hundt, Chris Jülke, Theresa Jürgens, Barbara Köstner, Claudia Koppmann, Louise Rokohl, Hubert Murmann, Julius Peters, Marcel Riedel, Paul Scheding, Heinz Sperling, Renate und Ernst Thomas.