University Shkoder (Albania)
- Investigations on the Roman Theater of Apollonia.
Prof. Dr. Henner v. Hesberg
University of Oxford (England)
- Ostia-Project and -colloquia
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
University of Southampton (England)
- Ostia-Project: geophysical prospections
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann - Schedia-Project: geophysical prospections
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung - Database of Ancient Sculpture in Thessaloniki.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
University of Athens (Greece)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
University of Haifa (Israel)
- Hippos/Sussita: Topographical Survey of the living quarters
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Hebrew University Jerusalem (Israel)
- Excavations Tel Shalem
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Dr. Benjamin Arubas
Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Italy)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Università di Siena (Italy)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Universität Zagreb (Croatia)
- (unoffical cooperation)
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
University of Winnipeg (Canada)
- Ostia-Project: analysis of animal bones
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann - Schedia-Project: analysis of animal bones
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
University Warschau Archaeological Institute (Poland)
- (unoffical cooperation)
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
University Stockholm (Sweden)
- Catalogue of Ancient Sculpture in Stockholm.
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Karman Center for Advanced Studies, University Bern (Switzerland)
- Ancient Topography
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann - Digital Pantheon Project
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
University Prag (Czech Republic)
- (unoffical cooperation)
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Anadolou Üniversitesi, Eskisehir (Turkey)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Mersin Üniversitesi, Mersin (Turkey)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Antalya (Turkey)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Tufts University Boston (USA)
- Expansion of archaeological databases.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
University of Basel (CH)
- Erasmus
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb - Cooperation for the training excavation in Xanten (D) and Tel Shalem (ISR) with IPNA Basel
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb - Cooperationproject: "HumAnimAl - New insights in the human-animal relationship of earlier times as a basis for current social discussions"
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb
University of Innsbruck
- Resarch project: The roman settlement in Mühldorf at the Mölltal (Carinthia, Austria)
Prof. Dr. E. Dechler-Erb
Israel Museum Jerusalem (Israel)
- Research cooperation and excavations at Tel Shalem, Israel
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb and Dr. Dudi Mevorah
Römerstadt Augusta Raurica (Switzerland)
- Research cooperation
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb and Dr. Deborah Schmid
Vatican Museums, Rome (Italy)
- Catalogue of Ancient Sculpture in the Museo Gregoriano Profano.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch - Publication of the pagan necropoles underneath Saint Peter
Prof. Dr. Henner von Hesberg
Centre National de recherche Archéologique (Musée national d'histoire et d'art) Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- Teaching and research cooperation
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb
Ministries / Institutions / Academies
German Archaeological Institute Cairo (Egypt)
Centre d'Études Alexandrines, Alexandria (Egypt)
Beazley-Archive, Oxford (England)
Expansion of archaeological databases.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
Maison de l'Orient, Lyon (France)
German Archaeological Institute Rome (Italy)
- Recording and 3D-Reconstruction of the Basilica Aemilia.
- Processing of the finds from the excavations in Selinunt.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
American Academy in Rome (Italy)
- Ostia-Project: pottery processing
- Schedia-Project: pottery processing
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Ostia (Italy)
- Ostia-Project
- Ostia-Colloquia
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Abruzzo (Italy)
German Archaeological Institute Damaskus (Syria)
- Publication of the excavations in Qanawat and the necropolis of Al Qrayya.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wener Oenbrinck