Networking / Cooperation
University of Cologne
- Centre for Natural History Archaeology and Classical Studies (ZNAA)
- Centre for Ancient Mediterranean Cultures (ZAKMIRA)
- Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH)
- Centre of Quaternary Science & Geoarchaeology (QSGA)
- Cologne African Studies Center (CASC)
- Kompetenzverbund ArchäoInformatik
Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main
- Research and teaching cooperation
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb with Prof. Dr. Fleur Kemmers and Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz
Ludwigs-Maximilian University Munich
- Research cooperation
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb and Prof. Dr. Salvatore Ortisi
University Augsburg, Classical Archaeology
- Teaching- and Research-Cooperation
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Prof. Dr. Natascha Sojc
Ruhr-University Bochum, Archaeological Institute
- PHAROS. Online Study tool for the fields of Ancient History, Ancient Greek Language and Classical Archaeology
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
University of Applied Sciences Munich
- Reconstruction of the Dioscuri Sanctuary in Cori
DAI. Researchcluster 3
Prof. Dr. Henner v. Hesberg
Pergamon-Museum Berlin
- Photographic documentation of ancient sculpture
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
Museum for Proto- and Prehistory Berlin
- Publication of the pottery from the Troy excavation by Heinrich Schliemann
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hertel
Academic Museum of Art Bonn
- Photographic documentation of the Cast Collection
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
Ruhrlandmuseum Essen
- Scientific catalogue of Etruscan and Italic antiquities
Prof. Dr. Dieter Boschung
Romano-Germanic Museum Cologne
- Exhibitions.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Boschung
Prof. Dr. Henner v. Hesberg - Catalogue of Roman Funerary Lions
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wener Oenbrinck - Teaching and research cooperations
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Dr. Marcus Trier
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier
- Excavations in Duppach 2002-2005.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Boschung - Teaching and research cooperations
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Dr. Marcus Reuter
Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg
- Teaching and research cooperations
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb
LVR-Archaeologial Park and Museum Xanten
- Teaching and research cooperations
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Dr. Martin Müller
Urban Archaeology Augsburg
- Resaerch cooperation
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb and Dr. Sebastian Gairhos
German Archaeological Institute Berlin
- Expansion of ARACHNE.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch - Sarcophagus-Browser
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz (Egypt)
- Schedia-Project: coins
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann
Corpus of Minoan and Mycenaean Seals Marburg
Academy of Sciences Mainz
- Realization of an internet-based database on Minoan and Mycenaean glyptics.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Förtsch
Winckelmann-Society Stendal
LVR-Department for the Preservation and Care of Field Monuments
- Teaching and research cooperations
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Dr. Erich Claßen
Department of cultural heritage Rhineland-Palatinate, Directorate Landesarchäologie, Außenstelle Koblenz
- Teaching and research cooperations
Prof. Dr. E. Deschler-Erb and Dr. Peter Henrich