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Kölner Schriften zur Archäologie

Publishing Institute:

Archaeological Institute of the University of Colgne


Dr. Ludwig Reichert, Wiesbaden

The "Kölner Schriften zur Archäologie" series publishes dissertations, monographs and research projects that have been produced in the context of the Classical Archaeology at the Archaeological Institute in Cologne. Publications particularly rich in material may also have supplementary catalogues at iDAI.objects/ARACHNE. The volumes will be made available in open access by Reichert Verlag after a reasonable period of time.

Author Title Volume
C. Parigi Atene e il Sacco di Silla. Evidenze archeologiche e topografiche fra l’86 e il 27 a.C. (2019) II
M. Danner Wohnkultur im spätantiken Ostia (2017) I