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During your studies of the master programme in Archaeology with the specialisation of Archäoinformatik as well as the international master programme in Digital and Computational Archaeology, you will need to do several internships. These should be associated with the field of digital and computational archaeology and last between 2 to 4 weeks. We encourage students to find their own internships for their studies according to their interests. The internships usually take place during the lecture-free period. We also list some possibilites here, offered by our institute.

Internship at the CoDArchLab

The collection of the Insitute of Archaeology encompasses over 800 individual pieces comprised of difference epochs, materials and genres. In a long-term project, the CoDArchLab wants to digitise this collection and put it online. Interns can utilize their knowlege learned in the course "3D recording and documentation of material culture", to create 3D models and RTI images of the institute's collection to create meta data und to archive it digitally. The internship is offered in cooperation with the Institute of Digital Humanities. Interns scan and archive for two weeks the objects stored at the Institute of Archaeology and then enter the exported 3D models into the kompakkt-system at the Institute of Digital Humanities.

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Location: Cologne (Institute of Archaeology and Institute of Digital Humanities)
  • Contact: Anja Wutte

Digitisation & Reposition of 2,5-D plaster fragments with roman wall paintings at the European Cultural Park Bliesbruck-Reinheim (Saarland)

The German company MusterFabrik Berlin created a system for digitisation and virtual puzzling of roman plaster fragments for the State Conservation Agency Saarland. On the German part of the European Cultural Park Bliesbruck-Reinheim, around 12.000 fragments of roman mural paintings were discovered. The internship is concerned with the digitisation and capturing of these roman plaster fragments. After digitisation, these fragments need to get virtually puzzled together to reconstruct possible connected areas of mural paintings of the Gallo-Roman villa.

The internship is not offered by the University of Cologne. It is possible however to get credit for this for your Archäoinformatik or Digital and Computational Archaeology programme.

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Location: European Cultural Park Bliesbruck-Reinheim (Saarland) / MusterFabrik in Berlin
  • Contact: Marc von der Linden (MusterFabrik)