Digital and Computational Archaeology
Anja Wutte, M.A. M.A.
Office Hours: please book a timeslot here Scheduler or e-mail me
Office: 214
Tel.: +49-(0)221-470 5228
ORCID: 0000-0002-6659-1267
Research Interests
- Digital and computer-based methods for architectural analysis
- 3D modeling and visualization
- Shape grammars and computer-based design
- Digital teaching and learning methods
Detailed information
Own projects
- in preparation: The Mediterranean house: from Transformation to Transition, to Typology
Curriculum Vitae
- 1987 born in Klagenfurt, Austria
- 2005 A-levels at the Alpen-Adria-Gymnasium Völkermarkt
- 2006-2008 Diploma studies in Classical Archaeology, Karl-Franzens University Graz
- 2006-2008 Teacher training with the subjects Chemistry and Italian, Karl-Franzens University Graz
- 2008 Student assistant at Argis Archaeology Service, Graz and surroundings
- 2008-2011 Bachelor studies Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna
- 2008-2011 Bachelor studies Egyptology, University of Vienna
- 2011-2013 Master studies Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna
- 2013 Master of Arts Classical Archaeology. Topic of the master thesis: "The ruler and the lion. Animal hunting as a means of staging rulership in the Umayyads".
- 2011-2014 Master's degree in Egyptology, University of Vienna.
- 2012 Tutor at the Institute of Art History in the Department of Islamic Art History, University of Vienna.
- 2013 Master of Arts Egyptology. Topic of the master thesis: "The Pharaoh a Lion? Royal Lion Hunting Depictions of the New Kingdom. An Iconological Study"
- 2008-2022 Complementary studies: History of Art, Oriental Studies (Arabic), Anthropolgy
- 2009-2011 Research assistant of the excavations in the tomb of Harwa, Luxor, Egypt
- Since 2015 PhD studies in architectural science, Vienna University of Technology
- 2016-2019 University assistant/collegiate at the Center for Geometry and Computational Design, TU Vienna
- 2019 Study abroad at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
- 2019 Marshall Plan Scholarship, GCD Fellowship, KUWI Grant TU Vienna
- From 2023 Research Associate Archaeoinformatics, Archaeological Institute at the University of Cologne, Germany.
- 2023: Reviewer for The Journal of Architecture
- 2024: Reviewer for Nexus Network Journal
Journal papers
- 2021 A. Wutte, J. Duarte, “Shape Grammar as a Typology Defining Tool for Ancient Egyptian Funerary Monuments”, Nexus Network Journal 23 (online first). URL:
Conference papers
- A. Wutte, “Data visualization of decoration occurrence and distribution. A comparative study of Late Egyptian funerary decoration in Thebes”, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2018, Vienna.
- 2017 A. Wutte, “Procedural Modeling of Architectural Heritage: The Grammar of Late Period funerary monuments of Thebes”, 2. Wiener DoktorandInnen Symposium der Architektur, Vienna.
- 2016 A. Wutte P. Ferschin, G. Suter, “Spatial Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Rock-cut Funerary Monuments“, TU Forschungstag 2016, Vienna (short paper).
- 2015 A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, G. Suter, “Excavation goes BIM. Building Analysis of Egyptian Funerary Monuments with Building Information Modeling Methods”, Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT), Vienna.
- 2023 A. Wutte, "Visual Quantity. Comparative Analysis of Decoration Occurrence and Distribution in Ancient Egyptian Funerary Monuments", Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 2023, Amsterdam.
- 2022 A. Wutte, "What Comparative Architectural Analysis Can Do to Overcome Disciplinary Limits", Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 2022, Oxford.
- 2021 A. Wutte, “Shape Grammar as a Typology Defining Tool for Ancient Egyptian Funerary Monuments”, GCD seminar series.
- 2019 A. Wutte, “Spatial Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Monuments. The Grammar of Late Period Funerary Monuments at Thebes”, PhD Colloquium, State College.
- 2018 A. Wutte, “Data visualization of decoration occurrence and distribution. A comparative study of Late Egyptian funerary decoration in Thebes”, Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Vienna.
- 2018 A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, “Proportion Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Monuments”, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 2018, Tübingen.
- 2018 A. Wutte, “Methoden zur digitalen Analyse ägyptischer Grabarchitektur”, University of Vienna, Vienna.
- 2017 A. Wutte, “Procedural Modeling of Architectural Heritage. The Grammar of Late Period Funerary Monuments of Thebes”, GCD seminar series.
- 2017 A. Wutte, “Raumanalyse Spätzeitlicher Grabbauten in Theben West”, AG CAA Heidelberg.
- 2016 A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, G. Suter, “Spatial Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Monuments. Case Study: Late Period private funerary monuments of Thebes”, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 2016, Oslo.
- 2016 A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, “Photogrammetrie im Anwendungsbereich Ägyptologie. Anwendungsbeispiele photogrammetrischer Methoden zur Rekonstruktion großformatiger Reliefflächen“, Ständige Ägyptologen Konferenz, Wien.
- 2015 A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, „Anwendung digitaler Architekturanalysen in der Ägyptologie. Exemplarische Analyse der Anlage des Harwa“, Ständige Ägyptologen Konferenz, Trier.
Students Workshop
- 2017 A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, Hands-on workshop: “Photogrammetry in Egyptology”.
- 2019 A. Wutte, J. Duarte, P. Ferschin, G, Suter “The Grammar of Late Period Funerary Monuments at Thebes”, SCDC Flash Symposium, State College.
- 2017 A. Wutte, “Procedural Modeling of Architectural Heritage”, GCD Symposium, Vienna.
- 2017 A. Wutte, “Procedural Modeling of Architectural Heritage: The Grammar of Late Period funerary monuments of Thebes”, 2. Wiener DoktorandInnen Symposium der Architektur, Vienna.
Master Thesis
- 2014 A. Wutte, Der Pharao ein Löwe? Königliche Löwenjagddarstellungen des Neuen Reiches. Eine ikonologische Studie.
- 2013 A. Wutte, Der Herrscher und der Löwe. Tierjagd als Mittel der Herrschaftsinszenierung der Umayyaden.
In preparations
- A. Wutte, " Visual Quantity. Comparative Analysis of Decoration Occurrence and Distribution in Ancient Egyptian Funerary Monuments", Proceedings of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 2023, Amsterdam.
- A. Wutte, "What Comparative Architectural Analysis Can Do to Overcome Disciplinary Limits", Proceedings of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 2022, Oxford.
- A. Wutte, “An Egyptian Proportion System of Symmetry? What we see, what we desire, what we know”.
- A. Wutte, P. Ferschin, G. Suter, “Spatial Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Monuments. Case Study: Late Period private funerary monuments of Thebes”.
- A. Wutte, “Towards New Technologies and Methods to Identify Ancient Egyptian Building Properties.“