Since 10/2020: Studies of Classical Archaeology and Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the University of Cologne
04/2022–03/2023: Student assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne: Library and support for Prof. Dr. Deschler-Erb
04–09/2023: Student assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne: Maintenance of the database for the Tel Shalem project
10/2023–: Student assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne: Library work
11/2024–: Student excavation assistant at the Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln
09/2024: Bachelor of Arts at the University of Cologne. Thesis: The Fibulae from the North Vicus of Krefeld-Gellep. Analysis of finds from excavation NI2017/0030.
Since 04/ 2022: Student assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne
07–08/2022: Excavation in Elusa, Israel (University of Cologne)
06/2023: Excavation at Burg Rötteln (State Office for Monument Preservation Baden-Württemberg)
08/2023: Excavation in the Archaeological Park Xanten (University of Cologne)
09–10/2024: Excavation in Kerpen-Manheim (University of Cologne)
11/2024–: Student excavation assistant at the Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln