Rom am Dom
Dr. Federica Pendolino
Research Interests
- Provincial Roman Archaeology
- Roman Ceramics
- Archaeometry
- Trade, Economy
Detailed information
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2024: Research project assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne
- 2022 to 2023: Research assistant at the MiQua. LVR Jewish Museum in the Archaeological Quarter Cologne
- 2021: Excavation assistant at Streichardt & Wedekind GbR
- 2021: Certificate program in Digital Humanities at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
- 2020 to 2021: Research assistant in the KENOM project
- 2017 to 2021: Doctoral studies in Classical Archaeology at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. Dissertation topic: “Between archaeology and archaeometry: An archaeometric and economic-historical study of some ceramics from the Monti Sicani and the Chora of Camarina.”
- 2014 to 2016: Master's degree in Classical Archaeology and Provincial Roman Archaeology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
- 2011 to 2014: Bachelor's degree in Cultural Studies at the Università degli Studi di Palermo
- Born in 1993
- TRA ARCHEOLOGIA E ARCHEOMETRIA (2023).'75/gup2023-2353
- J. Bergemann 2020. Der Agrigent-Hinterland-Survey. 3000 Jahre Siedlungsgeschichte in den Monti Sicani. (Co-Autor)
- Una raccolta di anfore a staffa egeo-micenee nella collezione archeologica dell“Università di Göttingen. In: AKROTHINIA 2 (2018)."