Dr. Andreas Angourakis
Email: aangourauni-koeln.de ; andreas.angourakisruhr-uni-bochum.de ; andros.spicagmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-9946-8142
Research Interests
- Digital object documentation, processing, storage and publication
- Development history and methodology of architectural reconstruction
- 3D modelling and visualisation of scientific research
- Reception of the perception of ancient west asia in the image media of the 19th and 20th century
- Digital teaching and lerning
Detailed information
Own projects
- 2023-2024 Modelling prehistoric hunting behaviour. PI: Eleftheria Paliou and Tilman Lenssen-Erz (University of Cologne). Funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). https://mpj.uni-koeln.de/
- 2021-2025 Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus “Resources in Transformation”. Coord.: Thomas Stöllner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum). Funded by Leibniz Gemeinschaft. https://reform.ressourcencampus-bochum.de/
- 2020-2021 Building the Indus Civilisation in Minecraft: Digital heritage, alternative pasts, coding, and student imagination (BICM). PI: Cameron A. Petrie, Adam Green (University of Cambridge). Arts and Humanities Impact Fund.
- 2018-2021 TwoRains–Winter Rain, Summer Rain. Adaptation, Climate Change, Resilience and the Indus Civilisation. PI: Cameron A. Petrie (University of Cambridge). European Research Council funded project (Consolidator Grant, SH6, ERC-2014-CoG). https://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/current-projects/tworains
- 2017-2020 CERAC–Assessing Past Complex Societies from Central Asia through the pottery. Between the nomadic traditions and the Mediterranean influences. PI: Verònica Martínez Ferreras (University of Barcelona). Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (HAR2016-75133-C3-1-P).
- 2014-2017 CAMOTECCER–Characterization and modeling of technological processes in the manufacture of ceramics from ancient societies in Central Asia. From Hellenism to Islam. PI: Verònica Martínez Ferreras (University of Barcelona). Funded by the former Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (HAR2012-32653).
- 2011-2017 SimulPast–Social and environmental transitions: Simulating the past to understand human behaviour. 11 groups from 7 Spanish research institutions, funded by the former Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Consolider Ingenio 2010, CSD2010-00034). Coord.: Marco Madella (ICREA/University Pompeu Fabra/University of the Witwatersrand). Team’s PI: Josep M. Gurt Esparraguera (University of Barcelona).
Curriculum Vitae
2018 PhD Archaeology, University of Barcelona
2011 MA in Prehistoric Archaeology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
2011 BA in Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
2010 BA in Humanities, Autonomous University of Barcelona
2023-2024 Research Associate (part-time). Institute of Archaeology, University of Cologne.
2021-present Research Associate. Institute for Archaeological Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum.
2020-2021 Data Champion, Office of Scholarly Communication, University of Cambridge.
2019-2020 Outreach and Visibility Representative, Postdoctoral Committee, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge.
2018-2021 Research Associate. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.
2014-2018 PhD Student/Research Assistant. Department of History and Archaeology, University of Barcelona.
2012-2013 Research Assistant. Department of History and Archaeology, University of Barcelona.
Research stays
Apr-Jun 2017 Department of History, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Supervisor: Shawn Graham. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, FPI mobility Grant (EEBB-I-17-12487).
Nov 2016 Department of History, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan. Supervisor: Utkir Abdullaev, Head of Department. Funded by former Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Apr-Jul 2015 Institute of Archaeology, University College of London. Supervisor: Mark Lake. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, FPI mobility Grant (EEBB-I-15-09705).
Research centres
Since 2022 Institut d’Arqueologia (IAUB), University of Barcelona. https://ia.ub.edu/andreas-angourakis/
Since 2021 European Social Simulation Association (ESSA). http://www.essa.eu.org/
Since 2019 World Archaeology Congress (WAC). https://worldarch.org/
Since 2015 European Archaeology Association (EAA). https://www.e-a-a.org/
Since 2012 Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). https://caa-international.org/
Since 2019 Network for Agent-based modelling of Socio-ecological systems in Archaeology (NASA), a Scientific Research Network (WOG) based at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and funded by Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). Participation as founding member. https://archaeology-abm.github.io/NASSA-hub
2017-2021 Community for Modeling Agro-Pastoral Lifeways in Eurasia (C-MAPLE).
Journal articles
- 2023 Angourakis, A. ‘El lugar de la simulación social en arqueología’. Vegueta, 23(1): 15–55. DOI: 10.51349/veg.2023.1.02.
- 2022 Angourakis, A, Alcaina-Mateos, J, Madella, M, Zurro, D. ‘Human-Plant Coevolution: A Modelling Framework for Theory-Building on the Origins of Agriculture’. PLOS ONE, 17(9): e0260904. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260904.
- 2022 Angourakis, A, Bates, J, Baudouin, J-P, Giesche, A, Walker, J, Ustunkaya, MC, Wright, N, Singh, RN, Petrie, C. ‘Weather, Land and Crops in the Indus Village Model: A Simulation Framework for Crop Dynamics under Environmental Variability and Climate Change in the Indus Civilisation’. Quaternary, 5(2): 25. DOI: 10.3390/quat5020025.
- 2020 Angourakis, A, Bates, J, Baudouin, J-P, Giesche, A, Ustunkaya, MC, Wright, N, Singh, RN, Petrie, C. ‘How to ‘downsize’ a complex society: an agent-based modelling approach to assess the resilience of Indus Civilisation settlements to past climate change’. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11): 115004. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abacf9.
- 2020 Graham, S, Lane, A, Huffer, D, Angourakis, A. ‘Towards a Method for Discerning Sources of Supply within the Human Remains Trade via Patterns of Visual Dissimilarity and Computer Vision’. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 3(1): 253–268. DOI: 10.5334/jcaa.59.
- 2020 Martínez Ferreras, V, Fusaro, A, Gurt Esparraguera, JM, Ariño Gil, E, Pidaev, SR, Angourakis, A. ‘The Islamic Ancient Termez Through the Lens of Ceramics: A New Archaeological and Archaeometric Study’. Iran, 58(2): 250-278. DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2019.1572430.
- 2019 Martínez Ferreras, V, Angourakis, A, Hein, A, Aulinas Juncà, M, Garcia-Valles, M, Gurt Esparraguera, JM, Ariño Gil, E, Sánchez Del Corral, A, Pidaev, SR. ‘Assessing Hellenistic to nomadic cultural patterns through pottery in ancient Termez, Uzbekistan’. Geoarchaeology, 34(5): 540-564. DOI: 10.1002/gea.21714.
- 2018 Angourakis, A, Martínez Ferreras, V, Torrano, A, Gurt, JM. ‘Presenting multivariate statistical protocols in R using wine Roman amphorae productions in Catalonia, Spain’. Journal of Archaeological Science, 93:150-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2018.03.007.
- 2017 Angourakis, A, Martínez Ferreras, V, Torrano, A, Gurt, JM. ‘Presenting multivariate statistical protocols in R using wine Roman amphorae productions in Catalonia, Spain’. Journal of Archaeological Science, 93:150-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2018.03.007.
- 2017 Angourakis, A, Salpeteur, M, Martínez Ferreras, V, Gurt, JM. ‘The Nice Musical Chairs model. Exploring the role of competition and cooperation between farming and herding in the formation of land use patterns in arid Afro-Eurasia’. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 24(4):1177-1202. DOI: 10.1007/s10816-016-9309-8.
- 2016 Martínez Ferreras, V, Angourakis, A, Hein, A, Esparraguera, JG, Sverchkov, LM, del Corral, AS. ‘Pottery in Hellenistic tradition from ancient Bactria: The Kurganzol fortress (Uzbekistan, Central Asia)’. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.11.049.
- 2015 Angourakis, A, Santos, JI, Galán, JM, Balbo, AL. ‘Food For All: An Agent-Based model to explore the emergence and implications of cooperation for food storage’. Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Paleoecology, 20(4): 349-63. DOI: 10.1179/1749631414Y.0000000041.
- 2014 Angourakis, A, Rondelli, B, Stride, S, Rubio-Campillo, X, Balbo, AL, Torrano, A, Martínez Ferreras, V, Madella, M, Gurt, JM. ‘Land Use Patterns in Central Asia. Step 1: The Musical Chairs Model’. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 21(2): 405-425. DOI: 10.1007/s10816-013-9197-0.
Book chapters
- 2022 Szczepanska, T., Angourakis, A, Graham, S., Borit, M. ‘Quantum Leaper: A Methodology Journey From a Model in NetLogo to a Game in Unity’. In: Czupryna, M., Kamiński, B. (eds) Advances in Social Simulation. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Springer, Cham. 10.1007/978-3-030-92843-815.
- 2018 Angourakis, A, Graham, S. ‘4.4 Arti cial Intelligence in Digital Archaeology’, in: Graham, S, Gupta, N, Smith, J, Angourakis, A, Carter, M, Compton, B. The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook <beta version>. Available at: https://o-date.github.io/
- 2014 Angourakis, A. ‘Exploring the Oases of Central Asia: A Model of Interaction Between Mobile Livestock Breeding and Sedentary Agriculture’, in: Antela-Bernárdez, B., Vidal, J. (Eds.), Central Asia in Antiquity: Interdisciplinary Approaches. BAR, Oxford, pp. 3-23.
- 2022 Angourakis, A. ‘Andros-Spica/ABM-tutorial-koeln-2022: Archaeological ABM at Cologne: from concept to application (v1.0)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6668143
- 2022 Angourakis, A, Alcaina-Mateos, J. ‘Andros-Spica/hpcModel: Human-Plant Coevolution model: source files, simulation interface, sensitivity analysis report and documentation (Version v1.3)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6759456
- 2021 Angourakis, A. ‘Two-Rains/indus-village-model: The Indus Village model development files (Version v0.4)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4814255
- 2020 Angourakis, A. ‘Andros-Spica/PondTrade: Pond Trade model: Didactic progressive development of an Agent-based model in NetLogo (Version v1.0)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3881974
- 2020 Angourakis, A. ‘Andros-Spica/cerUB_tutorial: cerUB tutorial (Version v1.0)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3881777
- 2020 Angourakis, A. ‘Andros-Spica/SIMPLE-crop-model: SIMPLE Crop model: NetLogo implementation (Version v1.0)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3881809
- 2020 Angourakis, A. ‘Two-Rains/parModelPrecipitation: Parametric model of precipitation (Version v1.0)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3881806
- 2017 Angourakis, A, Martínez Ferreras, V. ‘cerUB - Protocols for exploring archaeometric data (R package)’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.975451
- 2017 Angourakis, A. ‘biplot2d3d - an R package for generating highly-customizable biplots’. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.897603.
- 2017 Angourakis, A. “‘Nice Musical Chairs” (Version 5)’. CoMSES Computational Model Library. Available at: https://www.openabm.org/model/4885/version/5
- 2016 Angourakis, A. “‘Musical Chairs” (Version 2)’. CoMSES Computational Model Library. Available at: https://www.openabm.org/model/4880/version/2