Since 10/2021 Master of Arts (Archaeology), University of Cologne
10/2017 – 09/2021 Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology – Art History), University of Cologne, Topic (final thesis): Eine Frage der Perspektive? Überlegungen zur Kontextualisierung des ‚arrotino‘ in Florenz
10/2013 – 09/2017 Bachelor of Arts (History – English Studies), University Bonn, Topic (final thesis): „I shall be defeated“ – Margaret Thatcher und die deutsche Einheit
Academic employment
Since 04/2024 Project assistant (Carissa Aurelia), Archaeological Institute, University of Cologne
08/2018 – 03/2024 Student assistant (library), Archaeological Institute, University of Cologne
with C. Parigi, Vom Forschungsprojekt zur Lehrveranstaltung. Untersuchungen zu einem Opferrelief aus der Sammlung des Turiner Museo di Antichità , KuBA 9/19, 2019/2020, 89–104