Classical Archaeology
Dr. Anne Kleineberg
Office Hours: Tue 14.30 bis 16.00
Office: 113
Tel.: +49-(0)221-470 5868
Email: anne.kleineberg
Please book one of the timeslots via the scheduler.
No separate email is required for consultations (presentations, term papers) in the seminar. For separate appointments (e.g. if there is an overlap with other courses) and all other matters, in particular the "Studienberatung", please contact me briefly by email (incl. study programme, matriculation nr.).
Detailed information
Curriculum Vitae
- Born 1985
- 2005 to 2011 Student of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Freiburg, the Università degli Studi Roma Tre at Rome and the University of Munich
- 12/2011 Magister Artium in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Freiburg
- 2007 to 2012 participation in numerous field projects (excavations and surveys) in Germany (Reinheim), Greece (Kakovatos), Italy (Albano Laziale; Fabrateria Nuova) and Turkey (Atarneus; Patara)
- 10/2012 to 08/2015 PhD-Fellowship of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung
- 01/2016 PhD in Classical Archaeology at the University of Freiburg; thesis title: „Kaiserliche Bildnisbüsten römischer Zeit. Funktion – Kontext – medialer Charakter“
- 05/2016 to 06/2017 Post-Doc-Fellowship of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
- 07/2017 to 06/2020 research associate ERC Consolidator Grant „DECOR – Decorative Principles in Late Republican and Early Imperial Italy“ at the Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Kiel; Work Package 4: „Rome – Brescia – Pompeii. Decorative Principles in the Sacred Space“
- since 02/2021 research associate at the Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Cologne
- 04/2021–03/2022 Parental leave replacement assistentship of F. Hulek (50 %)
- Kaiserliche Bildnisbüsten römischer Zeit. Funktion – Kontext – medialer Charakter (PhD thesis, in preparation to print).
- A. Kleineberg, Italische Tempel am Forum. Decor – Raum – Handlung, KuBA 11/12, 2021/22, 5–58.
- The Forum Boarium and the Forum Holitorium in Rome. Their Religious and Economic Significance until the Early Imperial Time, in: A.-K. Rieger – J. Stöger (eds.), Cities, Resources and Religion – Economic Implications of Religion in Graeco-Roman Urban Environments, Panel 7.7, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 40 (Heidelberg 2022) 17–19 []
- The Capitolium at Brescia in the Flavian Period, in: A. Haug – M. T. Lauritsen (Hrsg.), Decorative Principles in the Roman World, International Conference Kiel 20.–22. february 2019, Decor. Decorative Principles in Late Republican and Early Imperial Italy 2 (Berlin 2021) 71–90 []
- Form. Stil. Ästhetik. Innovationen in hadrianischer Zeit, Tagung ‚Ästhetik vs. Programmatik?‘, Tübingen, 14.–16. march 2019 (accepted; in preparation to print)
Contributions to Catalogues:
- Die Rekonstruktion: Relief, Statuette oder Büste?, in: M. Kiderlen (ed.), Der sogenannte Licinius. Ein spätrömischer Porträtkopf, Sonderausstellung Freiburg, Im Fokus 1 (Munich 2007) 12–15.
- A. Kleineberg, review to A. Skovmøller, Facing the Colours of Roman Portraiture. Exploring the Materiality of Ancient Polychrome Forms, ICON 19 (Berlin/Boston 2020), GFA 25, 2022, 1031–1039.